What products does Best Global Corporation Limited offer?

We specialize in trading and distributing a range of precious and industrial metals, including gold, silver, palladium, copper, aluminium, and zinc.

Where is Best Global Corporation Limited located?

Our headquarters are located at Unit 13A, 18/F, Beverley Commercial Center, No. 87-105, Chatham Road, South Tsim Tsha Tsui, Hongkong.

How can I contact Best Global Corporation Limited?

You can contact us via phone or WhatsApp at +852 622 62 786, or email us at bestgloballtd@gmail.com. For more information, you can visit our website at https://bestglobal.co/.

Do you offer International Shipping?

Yes, we provide International Shipping to meet the needs of our global clientele.

How can I place an Order?

To place an order, you can contact us directly via phone, WhatsApp, or email. Our team will assist you with the ordering process and provide you with all necessary details.

Can I get a Customized Supply Arrangement?

Yes, we offer flexible supply arrangements to meet the specific needs of our clients, whether you require a small quantity or a large, regular supply.